Today we will talk about why not all advertising essates the response and why at the time of the presentation, important and interesting information does not always reach the audience. There will be a lot of psychology!
Markerologists state: an abundance of goods and a large number of distracting factors will detacedoise the mind: it is difficult for buyers not just to choose, but even to find the right product. Today, the background in which we exist shopify website design with you is information aggression. Psychologists talk about such a concept as selective perception of marketing information. This kind of selectivity is a protective reaction of the body. A certain protection works: from an overabundation of offers of goods and services and an abundance of appeals to a person, from inept presentations, sales agents and merchengedizers. And yet, a person perceives some information easily. Why is it so easy to pass through barriers of perception?
Perception begins on a subconscious level: a person perceives only what causes him emotions. Therefore, when communicating, in the trading room, on advertising billboards or when creating a package of goods, it is important to create a “correct” emotional background. In the human brain, there is a whole system of emotional evaluation, which decides that this marketing treatment deserves attention, and another does not. This system is based on the motivational structure of the human psyche. This structure involves four main motives:
success or superiority (alpha motif)
Depending on which group the consumer belongs, what he will first pay attention is determined. Many older women and older people are motivated to safety. Only 10% of any target group are innovators. Trading managers, by and large, are guided by the alpha motive. This means that creating an emotional atmosphere for the relevant target audience for an important emotional atmosphere is a real marketing art.

That is, the more accurate the marketer guesses the motive that drives the audience, the better. But in addition to this motive, there is another factor in the success of marketing communication. It's emotional. The higher the emotionality the marketer addresses the audience, the stronger the neural activity of the brain of each of the representatives of your target audience.
The emotionality of the speaker will not force the audience to fall into a hurry, the emotionality of the images will help to create an image of the product: brightness or, on the contrary, soft colors can attract more attention to the broadcast marketing message. Just do not forget about motivation: if security for the target group is more important, then shocking and aggression will alienate the audience from you.