There are other opinions that say that choosing a domain name consisting of one word even if it is incomprehensible and has nothing to do with the idea of the site is considered a way to create a brand for the site. For example the words Google or Wix do not mean anything but they are famous brand names and everyone knows them. Make your websites domain name unique .
Obtaining a domain close to another domain for a famous website is considered one of the most common mistakes that many people make so always be sure to reserve a unique and nonduplicate domain name. Never resBelgium WhatsApp Number Dataerve a domain that is similar to another site such as reserving the plural noun of a famous domain name or reserving a domain with the same word but with a letter error for example. It is also important to ensure that the domain you choose for your website does not conflict with the ownership rights of any other company or website. but it may completely destroy your business.
Make sure to reserve a domain name If you are interested in getting visitors to your site building a brand for your site and having your visitors get a good impression through the domain. If you are interested in these things you should just choose a domain name. In fact although there are now some large sites and Internet users still prefer the site name dot and there are also many of them who believe that this is the only reliable and legitimate extension.