Some examples of notable people who have created personal websites like this are the author Rhiannon Navin, who uses her website to promote her book, the lawyer Gopal Subramanium, who has a website for his academic work and even Bill Gates, who has his own blog. to build this kind of digital hub. Likewise, a business website allows you to create content specifically tailored to your audience and demonstrate your expertise. Creating a hub of information, either about you or your business, is important because you want people who already search for you to be able to find accurate, up to date content about you.
Find your focus Having two different websites is important because it allows you to better focus on what you want to be known for. For instance, if you are a fashion entrepreneur, but have varied business interests outside your pany then you can use your business Lebanon Phone Number Data website for all fashion content and your personal website to talk about other business ventures you are involved with. Hone in on what you want to say. For example, do you run a pet care business, but want to move into more general consumer goods? Maybe you are a technology entrepreneur who is interested in management consulting. Perhaps you run an insurance firm, but want to showcase your creative side with your art and design work.

Having a personal website as well as a business one allows you to realise these possibilities. Control your brand If your pany is of any significant size, the chances are that you do not have full creative control over its website. Many CEOs and Managing Directors are at the mercy of the web developers and online content teams at their business, meaning they cannot easily control exactly how they appear on the pany website. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you want greater control of your brand then creating a personal website is a great idea, whether you are just starting out in your business career or you are an industry figurehead.