You’re warming up anyway during the winter. A third possibility It was added in because…well it’s booze. “According to Indiana University Americans consume over 135 million pounds of eggnog every year — almost all of [it] between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve.”The Daily ItemBy the 17th century eggnog had caught on among the European upper classes who used it as a way to show off their wealth. Back then milk and eggs were both scarce and expensive so being able to serve a glass of nog to your dinner guests was a privilege few could afford.
During that period the preferred extra ingredient of choice was sherry which was Belize WhatsApp Number also hard to come by and therefore pricy. That said adding sherry to the mix was a winwin; the host came off looking welloff and welcoming while the guests got to enjoy some rare treats. All of this to say eggnog soon became a seasonal favorite for toasting to good health and fortune. Eggnog Hops the PondPhoto Courtesy GMVozdGetty ImagesTWhen Europeans began to settle in North America they brought plenty of traditions with them. Many of the people who colonized America.
Were farmers so eggs and milk were far from in short supply. While sherry was still a bit hard to get your hands on it wasn’t long before early Americans got creative and started swapping it out for plentiful liquors. In the 1700s rum from the Caribbean became a popular choice — as did whiskey. Even George Washington was down for a glass of nog. According to his kitchen records he treated guests at Mount Vernon to a batch complete with bourbon whipped cream and nutmeg. If you prefer an even boozier version look no further than this recipe which made