We are: Informal, without losing authority; fun, without losing objectivity, seriousness and professionalism; educational! We love teaching: confident, but not arrogant; friendly, without exceeding the limits of good sense ; provocative, wanting to lead the reader to take a next step ; clear as day (David Allen would be proud !); always open to new suggestions . Be objective in defining your tone of voice! Don't extend yourself too much. Keep in mind that if your style guide is long, few people will read it all the way to the end, but the tone of voice is essential for it to be read by anyone who is going to produce content for your company, so be brief.
Section 2: Details by channel Section 2! This is where things can get a little Bahamas WhatsApp Number more complicated, in case you have many channels (as we do). However, regardless of the number of important channels you have, it is interesting to follow the following structure to present them in your style guide. What is the channel Explain what the channel is and what its main function is. If you were a blog, for example, talk about the objective of the blog content. Content Types Including the types of content is optional, however, extremely interesting, in case you have freelancers producing content for you, for example.

With the types of content detailed in your style guide, they will achieve with greater clarity the objective of each guideline or project they are working on. Good practices Good practices cannot be missing! In this part, he gives content production tips. For example: should the writer use short paragraphs? How should you include the link in the text? And the use of images, what is the pattern that should follow? Think calmly about what is essential in your company's content and include everything in the good practices of your style guide. Don't forget anything important, okay.