The organic search channel includes all users who found the site in search engine results like Google and Bing, which means we can attribute those conversions to our SEO strategy. How to Calculate ROI based on your monthly spending Once we understand how much revenue the a specific time period (typically a month or quarter), we can compare the amount to the SEO investment to determine its ROI.
If the company already has a way to measure the ROI of other marketing WhatsApp Number List channels, we can use the same formula to calculate the return on investment on SEO. For example, some companies calculate ROI using the net profit of each sale rather than total revenue. Let's make sure we use the same values for the SEO strategy, otherwise the comparison will be wrong. If you don't have an existing method for calculating ROI on marketing, you can use Investopedia's basic formula, (Gain from Investments – Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment .

Then, we multiply the resulting number by 100 to get the ROI in terms of percentage. Using the example above, conversions from organic search generated sales of €22800 in one month and let's say, for the sake of si ROI from SEO? One of the most common questions we hear is “how long does it take to get a return on investment from SEO?” SEO is a long-term investment and like all investments it takes time . It's exactly like in the financial market , no one has ever become rich by investing in the short term (except very, very rare cases) and even search engine optimization often requires at least 8/12 months before starting to bring some results.