Just a few decades ago, ideas about artificial intelligence were limited to books and science fiction films. Some waited with fear for the development of AI technologies, because they remember the Skynet network from “The Terminator” and the consequences that befell humanity in the film. Some, on the contrary, firmly believed in the driving force of the latest technologies and hoped that they would help make the world a better place - just like “WALL-E” from the cartoon of the same name.
Fortunately or not, this controversial time has come, and Buy Bulk SMS Service today each of us is faced with AI technologies every day. From email filters to personalized recommendations on social media, chatbots on websites, and even smart Google searches, AI is closer than you might think. Behind the development of all these smart machines and algorithms is, first of all, a person. In this article we will talk about the most famous and promising AI developers, learn more about their activities and products. Are you ready to look into the future?

Content: Interesting facts about artificial intelligence that you might not know Artificial intelligence in the modern world: what it is, how it works and where it is used OpenAI Google Microsoft Who else is developing AI technologies in the world and in Ukraine? conclusions We open the curtain on the world of artificial intelligence: what kind of AI developers are there, what do they do and how do they improve our lives? Read also : 5 new AI products that deserve your attention Interesting facts about artificial intelligence that you might not know.