In a time of digital transformations and advances in artificial intelligence, Juan Fernández Miranda, deputy director of ABC and expert in political journalism, shares his perspective on the future of written journalism and its relevance in modern society . Interviewed by Jorge Rafael González , he addresses the importance of investigative journalism and his experience in various media. Miranda reveals how adaptation and professional ethics are crucial in the age of instant and omnipresent information. How would you describe your role as at the ABC newspaper and what are your main responsibilities.
The chief editor of the national political information area of the newspaper with the rank of deputy to the director , a condition that is due to the importance that this information area has in itself and, in turn, in the influence and Fax Lists presence on the front page and editorials. In addition, of course, to the trust of the director, Julián . My job is to lead a team of people , in addition to the different delegations of the newspaper in relation to national information. The media industry has experienced significant changes in recent years with the YouTube phenomenon and AI. How do you think written journalism will evolve to be relevant as it is today.
Journalism has been in constant evolution for a few decades now , since the emergence of the Internet. This has generated a revolution in the journalism industry and, as a consequence, the demand for adaptation by companies and the continuous training of journalists. Artificial intelligence will mean a very important change, but journalism will survive. Democratic societies need journalists if they want to remain so. Another question is the influence that AI can have on the creation of certain content: I do not yet dare to determine it, but I do warn of the ethical threat to our profession. ABC has a long tradition of investigative journalism.